(Business Quest)

Table of Contents

1999 Issue

Last revised: 12 October 1999

Articles will be added throughout the year.

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The Use of Computer Technology in Teaching Economics:

A Survey of Southeastern Schools

by Joy L. Clark and Charles E. Hegji

peer reviewed

abstract article

Why Stagnation?

by Craig S. Marxsen

peer reviewed

abstract article

Evidence of Changes in the Operating Characteristics

Of Occupational Credit Unions Since 1990

by David L. Mullis and Theodor Kohers

peer reviewed

abstract article

Determinants of Dividend Payout Policy:

Regulated Versus Unregulated Firms

by Atul K. Saxena

peer reviewed

abstract article


On the Effects of Various Degrees of Voluntary

Disclosure on Share Returns

by Hannu J. Schadewitz, Antti J. Kanto, Hannu A. Kahra, and Dallas R. Blevins

peer reviewed

abstract article

Investment Advisors' Perceptions and Reactions to Liability Exposure

by Bill Scroggins, Jr., Louise J. Clark, Gail Jones, and Elise Gantt

peer reviewed

abstract article



Tips for Success from a Man with a Golden Touch: W. Randall Jones

by Carole E. Scott

abstract article

Saving Private Ryan:

Leadership Lessons for War and Peace

by Gregory P. Smith

abstract article

Building a Productive Workplace

by Gregory P. Smith

abstract article


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NATO's Mission, Threat Environment and Effectiveness

by Demetri Kantarelis

peer reviewed

abstract article


Is the Multi-HMO System a Promising Candidate for National Health Insurance Reform in Taiwan?

by Lung-Shen Lee

peer reviewed

abstract article


A Prescription for Dealing With Mexico's Economic Crisis

by Ricardo Valenzuela

abstract article

Does the Federal Government Equitably Redistribute Income Between the States?

by Carole E. Scott

abstract article


A publication of

The State

University of West Georgia

A Unit of the University System of Georgia

Beheruz N. Sethna - President

Carrollton, Georgia U.S.A.

David Hovey - Dean

CaroleE. Scott - Editor-in-Chief

Copyrighted by the Richards College of Business, University ofWest Georgia, 1996 - 1999

peer reviewed

Peer reviewed articles are identified by the above icon. (See the Guidelines for Authors.)