
An introduction to fundamental unifying principles in biology. Topics covered in the course include: chemistry of life, cell structure and membranes, cellular functions (metabolism, respiration, photosynthesis, communication, and reproduction), genetics (inheritance patterns, DNA structure and function, gene expression, and biotechnology), and evolution. This course involves both lecture and lab components.

Lecture Hours: 3.00 Lab Hours: 3.00Total Hours: 4.00


Fall 2024 Semester
Course Title Instructor Campus Section Syllabus
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Anh-Hue Tu eCore 1AG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Kathryn Dye eCore 1BG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Andrew Meyer eCore 1CG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Valerie Crouse eCore 1DG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Hussein Mohamed eCore 1EG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Nicole Bond eCore 1FG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Mindy Smith eCore 1GG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Nicole Bond eCore 1HG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Richard Foreman eCore 1IG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Dixie Conger eCore 1JG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Daniel Brooks, Ed.D. eCore 1KG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Miriam Segura eCore 1LG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Doug Wyatt eCore 1MG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Nicole Bond eCore 1NG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Jack Lockhart eCore 1OG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Eric Wruck eCore 1PG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Kimberly Subacz eCore 1QG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Jonathan Horsley eCore 1RG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/lab Katherine Fontanella, M.S. eCore 1SG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/lab Nicole Bond eCore 1TG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Brandon Henry eCore 1UG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Jody Klann eCore 1VG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Vivian Padin-Irizarry eCore 1WG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Brook Kubik eCore 1XG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Mathew Casimiro eCore 1YG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Frank Fontanella, Ph.D. eCore 1ZG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Doug Wyatt eCore 2AG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Erin Duckett, M.S. eCore 2BG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Christopher Tabit, Ph.D. eCore 2CG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Megan Whitaker eCore 2DG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Merry Clark eCore 2EG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Cori Newton eCore 2FG eCore Courses External Resource
Spring 2024 Semester
Course Title Instructor Campus Section Syllabus
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Andrew Meyer eCore 1AG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Nicole Bond eCore 1DG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Jody Klann eCore 1BG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Christopher Tabit, Ph.D. eCore 1CG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Nicole Bond eCore 1EG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Darlene Dickens eCore 1FG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Daniel Brooks, Ed.D. eCore 1GG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Jonathan Horsley eCore 1HG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Jack Lockhart eCore 1IG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Nicole Bond eCore 1JG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Richard Foreman eCore 1KG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Nicole Bond eCore 1LG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Katherine Fontanella, M.S. eCore 1MG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Dixie Conger eCore 1NG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Mindy Smith eCore 1OG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Kathryn Dye eCore 1PG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Brandon Henry eCore 1QG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Danyelle Aganovic eCore 1RG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Kimberly Subacz eCore 1SG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Valerie Crouse eCore 2AG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Erin Duckett, M.S. eCore 1YG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Mathew Casimiro eCore 1TG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Brook Kubik eCore 1UG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Frank Fontanella, Ph.D. eCore 1VG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Vivian Padin-Irizarry eCore 1WG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Doug Wyatt eCore 1XG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Anh-Hue Tu eCore 1ZG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Hussein Mohamed eCore 2BG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Megan Whitaker eCore 2CG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Biology w/Lab Martiana Sega eCore 2DG eCore Courses External Resource