Nathan Lawres, Ph.D., R.P.A.

I am an archaeological anthropologist focused primarily on the Precolumbian Southeastern United States. The primary focus of my research is in South Florida, specifically in the northern Everglades. It is here that the Mayaimi and Serrope, associated with the Belle Glade archaeological culture, lived, dwelling in a largely aqueous landscape. My research on the Belle Glade archaeological culture addresses multiple anthropological concerns. On a broader scale, I am interested in the ways that people interact with and live within their environment, which is related to numerous facets of human culture. My most recent research delves into how the ways people understand their lived world or reality (i.e., ontologies) affects the ways they live within and interact with that world. This, in turn, leads to specific cultural practices that are visible in the material record. Additionally, my research interests involve the intersections of archaeological practice and planning and development. I am currently involved in a project with colleagues aimed at evaluating ways we can shift the priorities afforded to archaeological and other cultural resources to increase the preservation of those resources for future generations.

  • B.A., Anthropology, University of Central Florida, 2008
  • M.A., Anthropology, University of Central Florida, 2012
  • Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Florida, 2019

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Fall 2020 Sections

Lawres, Nathan R. and Matthew C. Sanger 2022 Recentering the Turn: Bringing Native Philosophy into Ontological Studies. General Anthropology Bulletin 29(2):7-10. [View Publication (PDF)]

Garland, Casey J., Victor D. Thompson, Matt Sanger, Karen Smith, Fred T. Andrus, Nathan R. Lawres, et al. 2022 A Multi-proxy Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on Estuarine Resources for Late Holocene (ca. 4500 to 3800 BP) Native American Village

Lawres, Nathan R. and Matthew H. Colvin. 2021 Variability in Belle Glade II Period (A.D. 200-1000) Monumental Construction: Big Gopher Mound Complex, Architectural Morphology, and the Timing of Construction. The Florida Anthropologist 74(1):27-46.

Lawres, Nathan R. 2021 Review: The Archaeology of Southeastern Native American Landscapes of the Colonial Era. Charles R. Cobb. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2019, 286 pp. $90.00, cloth. ISBN 9780813066196. Journal of Anthropological Research [View Publication (PDF)]

Victor D. Thompson, William H. Marquardt, Michael Savarese, Karen J. Walker, Lee A. Newsom, Isabelle Lulewicz, Nathan R. Lawres, Amanda D. Roberts Thompson, Allan R. Bacon, and Christoph A. Walser. 2020 Ancient engineering of fish capture and storage in so [View Publication (PDF)]

Lawres, Nathan R. and Matthew H. Colvin. 2019 Evidence for Large-Scale Rapid Construction in a Belle Glade Monument: Big Mound City Revisited. The Florida Anthropologist 72(4):215-243. [View Publication (PDF)]

Lawres, Nathan R., Andrew Carter, Timothy Murtha, Madeline Brown, and Tara Mazurczyk. 2019 Back to the Front: Archaeological Resources and the Planning Process. Environmental Practice 21(4):189-200. [View Publication External Resource]

Murtha, Timothy M., Nathan R. Lawres, Tara Mazurczyk, and Madeline Brown. 2019 Investigating the Role of Archaeological Information and Practice in Landscape Conservation Design and Planning in North America. Advances in Archaeological Practice 7(4):382-3 [View Publication External Resource]

Lawres, Nathan R. and Matthew H. Colvin. 2017 Presenting the First Chronometric Dates from Big Mound City, Florida. The Florida Anthropologist 70(1-2):59-69. [View Publication (PDF)]

Lawres, Nathan R. 2017 Materializing Ontology in Monumental Form: Engaging the Ontological in the Okeechobee Basin, Florida. Journal of Anthropological Research 73(4):647-694. [View Publication (PDF)]

Lawres, Nathan R. 2014 Reconceptualizing the Landscape: Changing Patterns of Land-Use Among a Coalescent Culture. Journal of Anthropological Research 70(4):543-572. [View Publication External Resource]

Butler, David S. B. and Nathan R. Lawres. 2014 Modeling Belle Glade Lithic Use Behaviors: A Case Study from Highlands County. The Florida Anthropologist 67(3):113-135. [View Publication (PDF)]