Dashboard Links

All Completions at Georgia Colleges Offering 4+ Year Degrees from 2016-2020

All Completions at Peer and Aspirant College from 2016-2020


All data pulled from IPEDS. 

For each year, the totals represent all awards and degrees conferred from July 1 of the previous year to June 30 of that year.

Subjects were converted from 2020 CIP codes. Level 2 will show all subjects that share the first two digits, while Level 4 will show all subjects that share the first four digits.

Award Levels were converted from award level codes.

Sector of institution and Combined Statistical Area were based on the 2020 IPEDS report for each institution.

Dashboard Instructions

Both dashboards contain multiple charts. Each chart shows completions for the selected dimension. For example, the Subject chart shows completions by subject, the Institution chart shows completions by institution.

Chart screenshot showing Subject, Institution, Award Level, and Gender chart

Dropdown selectors allow users to limit the data by dimension. By default, the dashboard shows all data. Use the checkboxes to specify the information you want to see.

Screenshot showing selector use

The Reset button will undo all selections.

Reset button screenshot