Jon Preston

Jon Preston

Provost and Senior Vice President

Sanford Hall RM 105
Office Hours:
8am to 5pm
Sonya Adams

Sonya Adams

Strategic Planning Analyst

Adamson Hall RM 205A
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri
8AM to 5PM
Ralitsa Akins

Ralitsa Akins

Vice Provost

Adamson Hall RM 202A
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri
8AM to 5PM
Suzanne Garrett

Suzanne Garrett

Associate to the Provost and MFE Coordinator

Sanford Hall RM 110
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri
8AM to 5PM
Kimberly McClure

Kimberly McClure

Administrative Support Executive

Sanford Hall
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri
8AM to 5PM
Teresa Ock

Teresa Ock

Secretary to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Sanford Hall
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri
8AM to 5PM
David Newton, Ph.D.

David Newton, Ph.D.

Professor & Senior Fellow for Student Success

Mandeville Hall RM 217
Office Hours:
See profile for details.
Elizabeth King

Elizabeth King

Administrative Support Senior

Adamson Hall RM 203B
Office Hours:
See profile for details.
Jeffrey Reber, Ph.D.

Jeffrey Reber, Ph.D.

Faculty Executive Assistant & Professor

Melson Hall RM 103
Office Hours:
By appointment
Lindsey Buffington, MBA

Lindsey Buffington, MBA

Director of Institutional Projects and Strategic Initiatives

Chloe Henderson

Chloe Henderson

Administrative Support

Adamson Hall RM 204
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri, 8:00-5:00
Amanda Wright, M.Ed.

Amanda Wright, M.Ed.

Executive Director of Business and Partnership Development

Witt Teem

Witt Teem

Makerspace Manager

Boyd Building RM 114
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm