Student Government Association (SGA) Membership Benefits

  • Learn teamwork skills
  • Build leadership abilities
  • Be "in the know" about everything that is happening at UWG
  • Voice your ideas and suggestions to inspire change
  • Enhance your resume
  • Register early for classes (members can register the first day of registration)
  • Recognition stole for graduation
  • Make friends
  • Experience the team building retreat
  • Make memories that will last a lifetime

Student Government Membership Application

What is the SGA Senate?

The SGA Senate provides an official voice through which student opinion may be expressed. They enact programs necessary for the general welfare of the student body. They promote unity among students, faculty, and staff of the University. They encourage a higher quality of educational opportunities for all students attending the University of West Georgia. They actively participate in Faculty Senate Committees and governance structure of the University and they give students a chance to defend themselves through the Judicial Commission.

  • The Student Senate is elected annually each spring by a vote of the student body. The Student Senate is composed of a minimum of 17 at-large representatives. Three first year senators and one graduate senator are elected each fall by a 2/3 vote of the Student Senate. The Student Senate may be expanded if needed.
  • To be eligible to be a senator, you must have completed 12 hours and have an institutional GPA of at least 2.2. You must have been enrolled at the University the semester prior to running for senator. The term of office for a senator is one academic year fall-spring semester.
  • The Student Senate shall serve on SGA committees and on Faculty Senate Committees. All senators must attend SGA meetings and activities, serve as a member of at least one SGA Committee and one Faculty Congress Committee, and attend at least one Faculty Congress meeting each term. Each senator must serve a minimum of one office hour a week.
  • Each senator must maintain an SGA folder and assist the Public Relations Committee in distributing SGA information. All senators possess full voting rights on the Student Congress and SGA Committees. Each senator must inform the Vice President and President prior to being absent from any SGA event.

Student Government Membership Application

Judiciary Commission

The Student Judiciary Committee is composed of such a number of associate justices as the Judiciary Chairperson deems necessary to fulfill the duties of the Commission, all student justices being subject to confirmation by 2/3 vote in the Student Congress, a quorum being present.

  • Associate Justices must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.2 cumulative and carry a minimum of 6 semester hours.
  • The Judiciary Chairperson shall establish rules and procedures for the Student Judiciary Commission as may be necessary for the smooth operation of the Commission, subject to a majority vote of the Student Congress, a quorum being present.
  • Any rules and procedures est. by the Judiciary Chairperson shall at all times be subordinate to the published policies and regulations of the University and the Board of Regents and to the Constitution and Bylaws of the SGA of the University of West Georgia.
  • The Student Judiciary Commission is composed of students not currently serving on SGA. The term of an associate Justice of the Student Judiciary Commission shall be one academic year. A member of the Student Judiciary Commission shall be eligible to run for a position, during regularly scheduled election, on the Student Congress, including an Executive position, without having to remove him or herself for the Commission until the end of his or her term.

Student Government Membership Application

Contact Us

Contact the Student Government Association (SGA)

SGA Hall, 2nd Floor of Ingram LibraryEmail: Connect SGA