Mautusi Mitra, Ph.D.

Dr. Mautusi Mitra is currently a Full Professor of Biology at the University of West Georgia in the College of Mathematics, Computing and Sciences (Biology program). She received her B.Sc. degree in Botany, from Presidency College (University of Calcutta), and M.Sc. in Botany, from University of Calcutta in India. Dr. Mitra earned her Ph.D. degree in Plant Biology in 2003 from Louisiana State University (LSU) at Baton Rouge, under the supervision of Prof. James V. Moroney. Her graduate research was centered on the carbon concentrating mechanism in the green micro-alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.  Dr. Mitra’s post-doctoral research (2004-2009) under the supervision of Prof. Anastasios Melis at University of California, Berkeley was focused on the identification of molecular components involved in the regulation of the chlorophyll antenna size in Chlamydomonas. 

At UWG, Dr. Mitra's current research involves microbial Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology and Bioinformatics. Her lab has identified two novel bacterial strains and a new bacterial species, from contaminated Chlamydomonas culture plates. These  bacteria produce commercially important pigments, are resistant to specific antibiotics, can tolerate heavy metal stress and shows potential for bioremediation. Dr. Mitra's lab have sequenced the whole genomes of these three bacterial strains and have submitted them to NCBI. Currently Dr. Mitra is working on several bioinformatics projects and characterizing the identified new bacterial species in collaboration with Dr. Ana Stanescu (Associate Professor, UWG, Computer science).  For more in depth information about Dr. Mitra's research, please visit her Research Lab website and her Research Lab FaceBook website. Links to both pages are given below.

Dr. Mitra's Research Lab Website:

Dr. Mautusi Mitra's Research Lab Face Book site:


  • Ph.D., Ph.D. in Plant Biology, Louisiana State University, 2003

Spring 2025 Sections

Fall 2024 Sections

Spring 2024 Sections

Fall 2023 Sections

Spring 2023 Sections

Fall 2022 Sections

Spring 2022 Sections

Fall 2021 Sections

Spring 2021 Sections

Fall 2020 Sections

Mitra M, Stanescu A. Complete genome sequence of Acidovorax temperans strain LMJ isolated from a contaminated Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Tris-Acetate-Phosphate medium culture plate. Microbiol Resour Announc 0:e01293-23. [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra M, Stanescu A. 2023. Complete Genome Sequence of Acidovorax temperans strain LMJ from a contaminated Chlamydomonas reinhardtii culture plate. DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase. [View Publication External Resource]

Mautusi Mitra, Education Forum: ASPB Educational Outreach: A Rock Star Booth at NSTA 2018. ASPB News. The Newsletter of the American Society of Plant Biologists. May/June 2018, volume 45, number 3, pages 27- 28. [View Publication External Resource]

Mautusi Mitra 2020. A green micro-algal growth media modified for use as a stringent minimal media for bacteria. [View Publication External Resource]

Mautusi Mitra, Sara Broom, Kysis Pinto, Sovi-Mya Doan Wellons, Ariel Dominique Roberts 2020. Making inexpensive light-powered Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (a green micro-alga) bead bracelets/necklaces for teaching the interplay of photosynthesis and cellular  [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra M, Nguyen KMAK, Box TW et al. Isolation and characterization of a heavy metal- and antibiotic-tolerant novel bacterial strain from a contaminated culture plate of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a green micro-alga. F1000Research 2021, 10:533 [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra M, **Broom SM, **Pinto K, *Wellons SD, **Roberts AD. 2020. Engaging inexpensive hands-on activities using Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (a green micro-alga) beads to teach the interplay of photosynthesis and cellular respiration to K4–K16 Biology stude [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra M, Nguyen KMAK, Box TW, Gilpin JS, Hamby SR, Berry TL and Duckett EH. Isolation and characterization of a novel Sphingobium yanoikuyae strain variant that uses biohazardous saturated hydrocarbons and aromatic compounds as sole carbon sources.F1000Res [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra M, Nguyen KMAK, Box TW Gilpin JS, Hamby SR, Berry TL and Duckett EH. Isolation and characterization of a novel bacterial strain from a Tris-Acetate-Phosphate agar medium plate of the green micro-alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that can utilize common  [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra,M. and Stanescu,A. De novo assembly of the genome of a novel bacterial strain:Sphingobium yanoikuyae strain CC4533, NCBI, Jan 11, 2023, [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra,M. and Stanescu,A.De novo assembly of the genome of a novel bacterial strain:Acidovorax temperans strain LMJ, NCBI; February 12, 2023; [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra,M. and Stanescu,A.e novo assembly of the genome of a novel bacterial strain:Microbacterium sp. strain Clip185, NCBI, February 20 2023; [View Publication External Resource]

Identification of a Novel Gene That Plays a Role in High Light Tolerance in the Green Micro-alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.Authors: Kevin Nguyen, Ja’von Swint, Joel Page III, Kenneth Kim, Katherine Smith, Tai Truong, and Kasey SwilleySupervisor: Dr. [View Publication External Resource]

Employing functional genomics to study chlorophyll biosynthesis in the green micro-alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Authors: Tashana C. Haye, Darryel A.Wilson, *Abigail R. Lennox, Alisha A. Contractor. Supervisor: Dr. Mautusi Mitra; Proceedings of the N [View Publication External Resource]

Grovenstein PB, Wilson DA, Lennox CG, Smith KP, Contractor AA, Mincey JL, Lankford KD, Smith JM, Haye TC and Mitra M. Identification and molecular characterization of the second Chlamydomonas gun4 mutant, gun4-II, F1000Research 2013, 2:142 [View Publication External Resource]

Grovenstein PB, Lankford KD, Wilson DA, Gaston KA, Perera S and Mitra M. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant defective in chlorophyll biosynthesis, F1000Research 2013, 2:138 [View Publication External Resource]

Utilization of Functional Genomics to Study Regulation of Chlorophyll Biosynthetic Pathways in the Unicellular Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.Authors: Kathryn D. Lankford, Kelsey A. Gaston, Phillip B. Grovenstein, and Surangi PereraSupervisor: Dr [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra M, Kirst H, Dewez D and Melis A. Modulation of the light- harvesting chlorophyll antenna size in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by TLA1 gene over-expression and RNA interference. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, November, 2012 367: 3430-3443. [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra M, Dewez D, Gines García-Cerdán J and Melis A. Polyclonal antibodies against the TLA1 protein also recognize with high specificity the D2 reaction center protein of PSII in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Photosynthesis Research, 201 [View Publication External Resource]

A more effective evaluation method for higher education. The Evolllution (a non-traditional education newspaper), May, 25th, 2012. [View Publication External Resource]

Functional genomics of eukaryotic oxygenic photosynthesis in the model unicellular green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Authors: Surangi Perera, Kelsey Gaston, Phillip Grovenstein, *Justin Puckett, Yakema Sheats; Supervisor: Dr. Mautusi Mitra; Proce [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra M, Ng S and Melis A. The TLA1 protein family members contain a variant of the plain MOV34/MPN domain. American J. Biochem & Mol. Bio, January 2012, 2:1-18. [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra M and Melis A. Optical properties of microalgae for enhanced biofuels production, Optics Express, 2008, 16: 21807-21820. [View Publication External Resource]

The virtual Journal for Bio Medical optics published by Optical Society of America. [View Publication External Resource]

Tetali S, Mitra M and Melis A. Development of the light-harvesting chlorophyll antenna in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is regulated by the novel TLA1 gene, Planta, 2007, 225: 813-829. [View Publication External Resource]

Bartlett SG, Mitra M and JV Moroney. CO2 concentrating mechanisms. A book chapter in the Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration series titled "The structure and function of plastids"; volume 23, pp 253-271; edited by Wise RR and Hoober JK; Berlin/Hei [View Publication External Resource]

Ynalvez, RA, Cunnusamy K, Xiao, Y, Mitra M and Moroney, JV, Identification, Cloning and Characterization of Two Closely Related β-Carbonic Anhydrases in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The FASEB Journal, 2006, 20: A476-A477. [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra M, Mason C, Lato SM, Ynalvez, RA, Xiao Y and Moroney JV. The three carbonic anhydrase families of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Canadian Journal of Botany, July 2005, 83: 780-795. [View Publication External Resource]

Mitra M, Lato S, Ynalvez R and Moroney JV. Identification of a new chloroplast carbonic anhydrase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Physiology, 2004, 135:173-182. [View Publication External Resource]

Cell and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Proteomics

My area of research expertise is in the fields of microbial physiology, molecular biology & biochemistry.