Judy Butler, BSE, MLS, EDD

Dr. Butler teaches, primarily, methods in teaching social studies classes and diversity courses. Her areas of expertise include social studies education, the era of school integration, and civic education. Among many service endeavors, she is Chair of the Faculty Senate, having been a member of the Senate for many years, where she has served on the Executive Board, and various committees. In her 23rd year at UWG, she is completing her 50th as an educator.

  • BS Ed., Secondary Education, Southern Arkansas University, 1969
  • M.L.S., Master of Liberal Studies, University of Oklahoma, 1982
  • Ed.D., Curriculum and Instructional Leadership, Vanderbilt University, 1995
  • Postgraduate Diploma, Post Doctorate, Harvard University, 1995

Summer 2022 Sections

• Huss, R., Jhileek, T., and Butler, J. (2017) Mock interviews in the workplace: Giving interns the skills they need for success. The Journal of Effective Teaching 17(2).

Huss, R., Johnson, C., & Butler, J. (2016). Getting a foot in the door: Helping education students “kick it” during interviews. Journal of the Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators 25(2). [View Publication External Resource]