
Ingram Library - Room 236
Office Hours
Thursdays 12-2 pm at Pop-Up Research Desk (first floor of library, near Starbucks entrance)

Download curriculum vitae for Miriam Nauenburg in PDF
Miriam Nauenburg

As Head of Metadata Management and Discovery Services Miriam Nauenburg coordinates the design and implementation of strategies for acquisition, access, and discovery of library collections and information resources. She also catalogs serials and electronic resources for the library and is active in the Metadata and Collections section of Core, the technical services division of the American Library Association. She has presented on several topics related to cataloging and Library Services Platform administration including statistical reporting, batch processing, migration data cleanup, and collection inventory management.

  • B.A., English and Biology, Eastern Michigan University, 2001
  • MLIS, Library and Information Science, Wayne State University, 2006