Richard La Fleur, Ph.D

Dr. Richard E. La Fleur earned his Bachelors of Science, Masters of Psychology and Ph.D in Psychology, (Consciousness and Society) at the University of West Georgia. His research interests include the concept of mattering as it relates to veterans post- deployment during the reintegration process, using phenomenology (qualitative methods - namely Narrative Inquiry) to frame his research. Click here: Current Research on PTSD.

Central to Dr. La Fleur's research is the concept of Moral Injury and the lived experiences of cultural dissonance that perpetuates populous fragmentation and creates deep wounds within the soul.  Dr. La Fleur seeks to initiate spaces for communal dialogues to foster physical, mental and spiritual healing and growth both through individuals and community.  As a liaison and advocate for veterans and other military personnel, Dr. La Fleur is instrumental in navigating the challenges of transitioning from military life to civilian life, (including veterans seeking higher education). As a certified facilitator of Therapeutic Enactment - a group-based therapy that engages clients in a dynamic interpersonal and action-based process, Dr. La Fleur helps clients physically, emotionally, cognitively and spiritually address trauma on multiple levels.      

Just as important, Dr. La Fleur's work on mattering is central to human existence and creates a framework to better understand roles and relationships, as well as social discourse.  One of the courses taught by Dr. La Fleur is "Phenomenology of Social Existence", taking a closer look at the seven pillars of society and the individual and collective ways we 'make meaning' in life. In addition to this and other courses in Psychology, Dr. La Fleur lectures on a holistic approach to health and mental well-being, promoting a healthier lifestyle.  Here is an example of an integrative approach to life.

For more information please visit Linktree.

  • B.S., Psychology, University of West Georia, 2008
  • MA, Psychology, University of West Georia, 2013
  • PhD, Psychology - Consciousness and Society, University of West Georgia, 2014

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