Cassandra Bolar, Ph.D.

Cassandra Bolar’s, Ph.D., research utilizes an ecological approach to understand how contextual factors impact father involvement, intimate relationships, and familial functioning in the African American Community. She currently serves as a Co-Investigator for the National African American Child and Family Research Center and Assistant Professor at the University of West Georgia. Clinically, she is passionate about serving couples through therapy and relationship education, and she created the Marriage Head Start premarital curriculum. She also had an opportunity to examine the public health implications of healthy relationships at Morehouse School of Medicine’s (MSM) Satcher Health Leadership Institute (SHLI). At SHLI, she directed three large NIMHD research grants focused on utilizing a quality parenting curriculum, the Smart and Secure Children program, to reduce health disparities among children and their families. She currently serves as a psychology professor at the University of West Georgia. She received her bachelor’s degree in Child and Family Development from the University of Georgia and her master’s and doctoral degrees in Human Development and Family Studies from Auburn University. She holds a Certified Family Life Educator credential from the National Council on Family Relations.

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