This has, understandably, been a stressful semester for many students as we have responded to the challenges presented by COVID-19. We’d like to provide these Tips for Self-Care so that you will feel empowered to continue engaging in activities that benefit your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

If you are in need of any counseling services or other support, please visit the UWG Counseling Center website, email, or call 678-839-6428

Maintain your normal routine and engage in healthy activities.

It is important to maintain your regular routine and find ways to participate in activities that provide balance in your life. Try not to withdraw. Consider exercise as a way to induce feelings of well-being.

Practice self-acceptance.

Try self-soothing strategies like taking a walk, meditating, mindfulness exercises, listening to music, or whatever you find helpful. It is now time for you to take care of yourself.

Practice reflection and pay attention to your early awareness signs.

Allow yourself some time to reflect on your reactions, your personal history, and ways that your values and well-being feel threatened. If you can watch your own reactions to stress, you can then address them. This might be a tightening of your throat, tension in your muscles, negative evaluations of another person, or an impulse to act out.

Seek community.

This is an opportunity to show that you can elevate conversations, take a higher path, and engage in positive conversation. Sharing experiences and ideas with others can be a way to strengthen positive community values and shared identities. By helping to do this, you may feel good about yourself! There are a number of groups on campus that you may want to consider joining if you have not yet joined.

Limit your intake of news and social media.

If you feel distressed by what is in the media, for the moment, limit your consumption of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sources that are likely to be full of distressing material. This also includes watching and reading the news. There are apps and websites such as LeechBlock or SelfControl that can help you by temporarily blocking access to social media or certain websites.

Practice being grateful.

Jotting down 10 to 15 things you are grateful for can help you maintain perspective. The list will remind you of the people and things that provide you with strength and support.

Acknowledge feelings.

Reactions to events vary from person to person. Some experience intense feelings while others experience nothing at all. Allow yourself to feel what you feel and don’t judge your personal experience or the experience of others.

Utilize your support system and resources.

Many have a natural tendency toward isolation when feeling triggered or emotional. Reach out to those around you, family and friends, who may be experiencing similar feelings. Utilize support groups or other counseling resources in your community.

This content has been adapted for use by the University of West Georgia with permission from the Boston University Dean of Students Office.