Research shows that strong writers go further in the workplace. They climb because they communicate with precision and punch. The simple fact is: fewer and fewer college graduates use words well. And employers are crying out for good writers. There's never been a better time to learn how to use your words. We welcome you to sign up for Creative Writing classes at UWG and see how far your words can take you.

For more information, please see the Academic Catalog.

The courses required for the minor are: ENGL 2060: (Introduction to Creative Writing) or XIDS 2100: (The Creative Process), 3 hours; two different genre specific sections of ENGL 3200: (Intermediate Creative Writing), 6 hours; and two sections of ENGL 4210 (Advanced Creative Writing), in any genre, 6 hours. Classes counting toward the completion of the minor in creative writing must be passed with a grade of "C" or better. Courses applied toward the creative writing minor cannot count toward the English major.

Program Location

Carrollton Campus

Method of Delivery

The majority of the classes required for the Creative Writing minor meet in the classroom.


The University of West Georgia is accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Credit and transfer

Total semester hours required: 15

This program may be earned entirely face-to-face. However, depending on the courses chosen, a student may choose to take some partially or fully online courses.

Save money

UWG is often ranked as one of the most affordable accredited universities of its kind, regardless of the method of delivery chosen.


  • Total tuition costs and fees may vary, depending on the instructional method of the courses in which the student chooses to enroll.
  • The more courses a student takes in a single term, the more they will typically save in fees and total cost.
  • Face-to-face or partially online courses are charged at the general tuition rate and all mandatory campus fees, based on the student's residency (non-residents are charged at a higher rate).
  • Fully or entirely online course tuition rates and fees my vary depending on the program. Students enrolled in exclusively online courses do not pay non-Resident rates.
  • Together this means that GA residents pay about the same if they take all face-to-face or partially online courses as they do if they take only fully online courses exclusively; while non-residents save money by taking fully online courses.
  • One word of caution: If a student takes a combination of face-to-face and online courses in a single term, he/she will pay both all mandatory campus fees and the higher eTuition rate.
  • For cost information, as well as payment deadlines, see the Student Accounts and Billing Services website

There are a variety of financial assistance options for students, including scholarships and work study programs. Visit the Office of Financial Aid's website for more information.


Requires 15 credit hours from the following. Intermediate and advanced classes concentrate on specific genres of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, screenwriting, and playwriting.

  • ENGL 2060: Intro to Creative Writing or  XIDS 2100: The Creative Process
  • ENGL 3200: Intermediate Creative Writing (in a specific genre of your choice)
  • ENGL 4210: Advanced Creative Writing (in a specific genre of your choice)

Major Required

This course serves and an introduction to the art of creative writing - from learning the elements involved in literary production, to gaining the critical skills necessary in assessing works by established authors, to crafting some of your own literary artifacts. Students will study the process of creative writing from a wide range of historical and cultural examples, and learn to model their artistic endeavors on the works of publishing practitioners. They will also investigate the convergence of creative personal experience and creativity and the reception of literary arts in the public domain.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

An introduction to the genre-specific workshop in either fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, screenwriting, or play writing. May be repeated up to 6 hours as topics vary. No more than 2 courses may be counted toward the major in English. Pre-requisites: ENGL 2060 or XIDS 2100 (The Creative Process).

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

An intensive writing experience in one of the following genres: fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, screenwriting, or playwriting. May be repeated for credit as topic varies.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

Katie Chaple, Ph.D.

Katie Chaple, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer

Chad Davidson, Ph.D.

Chad Davidson, Ph.D.

Executive Director of Global Engagements and Cultural Programming

Gregory Fraser, Ph.D.

Gregory Fraser, Ph.D.

Professor of English

Melanie Jordan, Ph.D

Melanie Jordan, Ph.D

Senior Lecturer

Margaret Mitchell, Ph.D.

Margaret Mitchell, Ph.D.

Professor of English

Alison Umminger, Ph.D.

Alison Umminger, Ph.D.

Professor of English

Guidelines for Admittance

Each UWG online degree program has specific requirements that you must meet in order to enroll.

Complete online application. A one-time application fee of $40 is required.

Official transcripts from all schools attended. Official transcripts are sent from a regionally or nationally accredited institution.

Verify specific requirements associated with specific populations identified here: Freshman Adult Learners Transfer International Home School Joint / Dual Enrollment Transient Auditor  Post-Baccalaureate Non-Degree Seeking Readmission

Admission Process Checklist

Application Process Checklist (UWG)

Review Admission Requirements for the different programs and guides for specific populations (non-traditional, transfer, transient, home school, joint enrollment students, etc).

Review important deadlines:

  1. Fall semester: June 1 (undergrads)
  2. Spring semester: November 15 (undergrads)
  3. Summer semester: May 15 (undergrads)
    See program specific calendars here

Complete online application
Undergraduate Admissions Guide

Undergraduate Application

Undergraduate International Application

Submit $40 non-refundable application fee

Submit official documents

Request all official transcripts and test scores be sent directly to UWG from all colleges or universities attended. If a transcript is mailed to you, it cannot be treated as official if it has been opened. Save time by requesting transcripts be sent electronically.

Undergraduate & Graduate Applicants should send all official transcripts to:
Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Murphy Building
University of West Georgia
1601 Maple Street
Carrollton, GA 30118-4160

Submit a Certificate of Immunization, if required. If you will not ever be traveling to a UWG campus or site, you may apply for an Immunization Exemption. Contact the Immunization Clerk with your request.

Check the status of your application


Specific dates for admissions (Undergraduates Only), go to: UWG Undergraduate Admission Deadlines

  • Students will understand defining characteristics of one or more of the genres of creative writing: poetry, fiction, screen and playwriting, and creative nonfiction.
  • Students will closely examine the processes by which creative writers produce literary artifacts in a wide range of cultures and historical circumstances.
  • Students will demonstrate familiarity with a representative selection of creative-writing strategies.
  • Students will apply critical understanding of theories of creativity and imaginative writing.