This track is designed to offer students a solid background in applied mathematics, prepare them for employment in government agencies such as communications, national security, and computer-related fields or industry such as engineering or computational types of work. It also prepares students for further study in mathematics.

A program map, which provides a guide for students to plan their course of study, is available for download in the Courses tab below.

The Bachelor of Science degree program has multiple tracks, each designed for specific career goals. The student’s advisor will help the student choose the best track, based on the student’s interests.

Career Opportunities

Link to Additional Career Information: External Resource

Program Location

Carrollton Campus

Method of Delivery

Traditional classes.


The University of West Georgia is accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Credit and transfer

Total semester hours required: 120

This program may be earned entirely face-to-face. However, depending on the courses chosen, a student may choose to take some partially or fully online courses.

Save money

UWG is often ranked as one of the most affordable accredited universities of its kind, regardless of the method of delivery chosen.


  • Total tuition costs and fees may vary, depending on the instructional method of the courses in which the student chooses to enroll.
  • The more courses a student takes in a single term, the more they will typically save in fees and total cost.
  • Face-to-face or partially online courses are charged at the general tuition rate and all mandatory campus fees, based on the student's residency (non-residents are charged at a higher rate).
  • Fully or entirely online course tuition rates and fees my vary depending on the program. Students enrolled in exclusively online courses do not pay non-Resident rates.
  • Together this means that GA residents pay about the same if they take all face-to-face or partially online courses as they do if they take only fully online courses exclusively; while non-residents save money by taking fully online courses.
  • One word of caution: If a student takes a combination of face-to-face and online courses in a single term, he/she will pay both all mandatory campus fees and the higher eTuition rate.
  • For cost information, as well as payment deadlines, see the Student Accounts and Billing Services website

There are a variety of financial assistance options for students, including scholarships and work study programs. Visit the Office of Financial Aid's website for more information.



This course introduces two fundamental aspects of computer science--abstraction and design--as students learn to develop programs in a high-level programming language. Students will study and implement a variety of applications, including graphics and scientific simulations. The course assumes no prior background in programming or computer science.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

This course is designed to prepare students for calculus, physics, and related technical subjects. Topics include an intensive study of algebraic and transcendental functions accompanied by analytic geometry and trigonometry.Students cannot receive credit for MATH 1112 and MATH 1113.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

The first of a three-course sequence in calculus. Limits, applications of derivatives to problems in geometry and the sciences (physical and behavioral). Problems which lead to anti-derivatives.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

The impact of mathematics in the real world will be presented in the form of lectures, computer labs, and seminars offered by the department of mathematics faculty. The course includes problem solving sessions involving competition problems (e.g. Putnam, MCM, IMO,...) and the use of the technology and computer Algebra systems, such as Maple and Matlab. The course also explores applications of mathematics to the real world, its history and connection to other sciences through projects and reports. A final exam will assess their understanding of the subject matter discussed throughout the course.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

A continuation of MATH 1634. The definite integral and applications, calculus of transcendental functions, standard techniques of integration, sequences and series.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

A continuation of MATH 2644. Topics include functions of two, three, and more variables, multiple integrals, and topics in vector calculus.

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A concrete, applied approach to matrix theory and linear algebra. Topics include matrices and their connection to systems of linear equations, Gauss-Jordan elimination, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and diagonalization. The use of mathematical software is a component of the course.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

Major Required

This course explores the three fundamental aspects of computer science--theory, abstraction, and design--as the students develop moderately complex software in a high-level programming language. It will emphasize problem solving, algorithm development, and object-oriented design and programming. This course may not be attempted more than three times without department approval.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

A transition course to advanced mathematics. Topics include logic, set theory, properties of integers and mathematical induction, relations, and functions.

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A rigorous introduction to the fundamental concepts of single-variable calculus. Topics included the real numbers, limits, continuity, uniform continuity, differentiation, integration, and sequences and series.

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Modeling with and solutions of ordinary differential equations, including operators, Laplace transforms, and series; systems of ODE's, and numerical approximations.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

The practices and pitfalls of numerical computation. Topics include floating point representations; precision, accuracy, and error; numerical solution techniques for various types of problems; root finding, interpolation, differentiation, integration, systems of linear and ordinary differentiation.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

A study of the theory of complex functions and their applications, including analytic and elementary functions; derivatives and integrals; The Cauchy Integral Theorem and contour integration; Laurent series; the theory of residues; conformal mapping; and applications.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

Studies of classical boundary-value problems, including the heat equation, wave equation, and potential equation. Solution methods including characteristics, separation of variables, integral transforms, orthogonal functions, Green's functions, Fourier series.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

The first of a two-course, in-depth, rigorous study in topics in the theory of groups, rings and fields.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

An introduction to combinatorics. Topics include the pigeonhole principle, combinations, permutations, distributions, generating functions, recurrence relations, and inclusion-exclusion.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

An introduction to the fundamental concepts of graph theory. Topics include isomorphisms, Euler graphs, Hamiltonian graphs, graph colorings, trees, networks, planarity.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

The first course in a comprehensive, theoretically-oriented, two-course sequence in linear algebra. Topics include vector spaces, subspaces, linear transformations, determinants, and elementary canonical forms.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

A faculty-directed independent research project culminating in the writing of a paper and an oral presentation of the results of the project. Prerequisite: Senior standing as a mathematics major.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

William M Faucette, Ph.D.

William M Faucette, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Scott Gordon, Ph.D.

Scott Gordon, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics

Nguyen Hoang, Ph.D.

Nguyen Hoang, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Abdollah Khodkar, Ph.D.

Abdollah Khodkar, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics

David Leach, Ph.D.

David Leach, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics & Program Coordinator

Kyunghee Moon, Ph.D.

Kyunghee Moon, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics

Veena Paliwal, Ph.D.

Veena Paliwal, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Dave Robinson, Ph.D.

Dave Robinson, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer in Mathematics

Kwang Shin, Ph.D.

Kwang Shin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Scott Sykes, Ph.D.

Scott Sykes, Ph.D.

Professor, First-Year Math Program Coordinator

Fengrong Wei, Ph.D.

Fengrong Wei, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics

Rui Xu, Ph.D.

Rui Xu, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics

Mohammad Yazdani, Ph.D.

Mohammad Yazdani, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics

Guidelines for Admittance

Each UWG online degree program has specific requirements that you must meet in order to enroll.

Application Deadlines

Fall Semester - June 1

Spring Semester - November 15

Summer Semester - May 15 

Admission Process Checklist

  1. Review Admission Requirements for the different programs and guides for specific populations (non-traditional, transfer, transient, home school, joint enrollment students, etc).
  2. Review important deadlines:
    • Fall semester: June 1 (undergrads)
    • Spring semester: November 15 (undergrads)
    • Summer semester: May 15 (undergrads)
      See program specific calendars here
  3. Complete online application
    Undergraduate Admissions Guide
    Undergraduate Application
    Undergraduate International Application

  4. Submit $40 non-refundable application fee
  5. Submit official documents

    Request all official transcripts and test scores be sent directly to UWG from all colleges or universities attended. If a transcript is mailed to you, it cannot be treated as official if it has been opened. Save time by requesting transcripts be sent electronically.

    Undergraduate & Graduate Applicants should send all official transcripts to:
    Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Murphy Building
    University of West Georgia
    1601 Maple Street
    Carrollton, GA 30118-4160
  6. Submit a Certificate of Immunization, if required. If you will not ever be traveling to a UWG campus or site, you may apply for an Immunization Exemption. Contact the Immunization Clerk with your request.
  7. Check the status of your application


Dr. David Leach, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Phone: 678-839-4127

Specific dates for Admissions (Undergraduate Only), Financial Aid, Fee Payment, Registration, Start/End of Term Dates, Final Exams, etc. are available in THE SCOOP.

Specific Graduate Admissions Deadlines are available via the Graduate School

L1.  A thorough understanding of the calculus, including its computational aspects, applications, and theoretical foundations.

L2.  An ability to read, write, and understand mathematical proofs involving foundational aspects of mathematics, such as logic, set theory, basic function theory, and mathematical induction.

L3.  A solid foundation in the fundamentals of applied linear algebra, including its computational aspects and applications.

L4.  An ability to make written an oral presentations on various mathematical topics and problems.

L8.  A solid background in the fundamentals of the applied computational area of mathematics, including numerical analysis, differential equations, and applied linear algebra.

L9.  An ability to apply mathematical techniques and models to solve specific problems.

L10.  A solid background in the fundamentals of the applied discrete area of mathematics, including graph theory, combinatorics, and number theory.