Jeremy McClelland

Jeremy McClelland

AVP for Facilities Development & Sustainability

Matt Jordan

Matt Jordan

Director - Risk Management/Environmental Health & Safety

Sheree Srader

Sheree Srader

Director Planning and Construction Services

Michelle Ertzberger

Michelle Ertzberger

Assistant Director Administrative Services

Daniel McKinley

Daniel McKinley

Assistant Director - Maintenance and Operations

Whitney Brand

Whitney Brand

Academic Scheduler

Planning and Construction Services RM 204
Michael Brooks

Michael Brooks

Move Crew Superintendent

Sean Connors

Sean Connors

Grounds Superintendent

Jason Lawler

Jason Lawler

Superintendent - HVAC

Marshall Lott

Marshall Lott

Grounds Superintendent

Andrew Powell

Andrew Powell

Construction Project and Program Manager

Mike Speir

Mike Speir

Manager of Business Operations

Ineke Abunawass

Ineke Abunawass

Environmental & Safety Coordinator

Christopher Bradford, GCPA

Christopher Bradford, GCPA

Fleet & Materials Coordinator

Jordan Hardeman

Jordan Hardeman

Vehicle Shop

Facilities and Grounds RM Vehicle Shop
Rachael Higgins

Rachael Higgins

Facilities Complex
Office Hours:
Amy Hollingsworth

Amy Hollingsworth

Work Information Specialist

Allen McManus

Allen McManus

Project Manager

Amanda Skinner

Amanda Skinner

Procurement Agent

Daisy Escobar

Daisy Escobar


Tina Heuer

Tina Heuer


Donna McClure

Donna McClure


Ali Mohammed

Ali Mohammed


Miguel Pascual

Miguel Pascual


Scott Phillips

Scott Phillips


Arcella Salinas

Arcella Salinas


Larry Sharp

Larry Sharp


Derrick Slaughter

Derrick Slaughter


Noreen Spence

Noreen Spence


Alexandra Suarez

Alexandra Suarez


Ralph Brooks

Ralph Brooks

Maintenance & Operations

Ronald Davis

Ronald Davis

Maintenance & Operations

Terry Davis

Terry Davis

Maintenance & Operations

Dalten Dyer

Dalten Dyer

Maintenance & Operations

Joseph Garner

Joseph Garner

Maintenance & Operations

Jesus Gonzalez

Jesus Gonzalez

Maintenance & Operations

Matthew Harlowe

Matthew Harlowe

Maintenance & Operations

Dale Horton

Dale Horton

Maintenance & Operations

Joseph Johnson

Joseph Johnson

Maintenance & Operations

Daniel Kendrick

Daniel Kendrick

Maintenance & Operations

Bill Lawson

Bill Lawson

Maintenance & Operations

Clayton Mitchell

Clayton Mitchell

Maintenance & Operations

Randall Nicholson

Randall Nicholson

Maintenance & Operations

William Nolen

William Nolen

Maintenance & Operations

Clifton Phillips

Clifton Phillips

Maintenance & Operations

Robert Ratzlaff

Robert Ratzlaff

Maintenance & Operations

Corbett Standridge

Corbett Standridge

Maintenance & Operations

Luis Vega

Luis Vega

Maintenance & Operations

Jacob Bruce

Jacob Bruce

Vehicle Shop

Chris Dukes

Chris Dukes

Landscape & Grounds

Zachary Green

Zachary Green

Landscape & Grounds

Michael Hermann

Michael Hermann

Landscape & Grounds

Steve Jackson

Steve Jackson

Landscape & Grounds

Bradley Kilgore

Bradley Kilgore

Landscape & Grounds

Facilities Complex
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri 6:30 - 3:00
John Leeds

John Leeds

Landscape & Grounds

Sarah Pruvenok

Sarah Pruvenok

Landscape & Grounds

Parker Ratzlaff

Parker Ratzlaff

Landscape & Grounds

George Smith

George Smith

Landscape & Grounds

Lisa Todd

Lisa Todd

Landscape & Grounds

Kenneth Toole

Kenneth Toole

Landscape & Grounds

Dewey Welch

Dewey Welch

Landscape & Grounds

Toby Wilkinson

Toby Wilkinson

Landscape & Grounds