Frequently Asked Questions

Potential motion sickness may occur, but if you feel sick, you need not play. Those who encounter motion sickness while participating should find quick relief by simply removing their headset.
We sterilize the goggles and joy-cons after each use.
There are already virtual boundaries in place in the room, which you'll see if you get close to them. You are able to see other players, and they are closer than they appear.
Six! If two groups equal six people, we will ask if you want to play together to minimize waiting times. Two to six players can play at any given time.
Experiences range in play time from 10 to 30 minutes.
Participants must be at least 10 years old and the goggles must fit their face securely.
Comfortable clothes because you may get a little warm. (exercise clothes, jeans, t-shirt).
Yes, your glasses should be able to fit into the headset. Sometimes, larger frames may need to be adjusted. Virtual Reality headsets should not impact contact lenses.