Samantha Mrstik, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of Special EducationDr. Samantha (Sam) Mrstik earned her Ph.D. from the University of Central Florida in Exceptional Student Education. She taught English for students with disabilities at the high school level for 15 years outside of Orlando, Florida. Dr. Mrstik’s research interests are educational technology for students with mild disabilities and international special education.
- BS, Exceptional Education: Specific Learning Disabilities, University of Central Florida, 1999
- M.Ed., Exceptional Education: Varying Exceptionalities, University of Central Florida, 2006
- Ph.D., Exceptional Education: Emphasis in Secondary Specific Learning Disabilities, English, and International Education., Exceptional Education: Emphasis in Secondary Specific Learning Disabilities, English, and International Education., 2017
Spring 2025 Sections
- SPED-6766 (Gen Curric: Methds I w/ Practi) Section: E04 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- SPED-6793 (Internship: Special Education) Section: E14 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- SPED-6793 (Internship: Special Education) Section: E02 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- SPED-6793 (Internship: Special Education) Section: E03 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- SPED-6793 (Internship: Special Education) Section: E01 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Fall 2024 Sections
- SPED-6766 (Gen Curric: Methds I w/ Practi) Section: E05 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- SPED-6766 (Gen Curric: Methds I w/ Practi) Section: E04 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- SPED-6776 (Adapt Curric: Methds I w/Pract) Section: E02 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- SPED-6776 (Adapt Curric: Methds I w/Pract) Section: E01 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Summer 2024 Sections
- SPED-7722 (Collaboration in Spec Edu) Section: E04 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Mrstik, S., & Cooper, R. (2024). An evolution of preparing preservice teacher to teach students with disabilities online In Ferguson, B. T. & Napier, A. F. (Eds.), Proceedings International Association of Special Education (pp. 13-18). Pilsen, Czech Republ
Cooper, R., Mrstik, S., Cauthen, J., & Schreffler, J., (2024). Preservice teachers learning to teach online: Developing teacher leaders. International Journal for Leadership in Learning, 24(1), 36–58.
Peterson-Ahmad, M.B. & Mrstik. S. (2023). Simulation package for high leverage practice #5: Interpreting and communicating assessment information with stakeholders to collaboratively design and implement educational program. CEEDAR Center.
Mrstik, S., Cooper, R. & Schreffler, J. (2021). Leadership in technology: One educational preparation program’s journey for teaching educational technology to teacher candidates. In E. Langran & D. Rutledge (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE Interactive Confere
Cooper, R. & Mrstik, S. (2021). Preparing preservice teachers for the online classroom. In E. Langran & L. Archambault (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1553-1557). Online, United St
Mrstik, S., Dieker, L., & Abosi, C. (2021) An examination of inclusive practices for students with learning disabilities in Botswana: A literature review. Exceptionality Education International, 30(3), 124-143,
Cooper, R., Farah, A. & Mrstik, S. (2020). Preparing Teacher Candidates to Teach Online: A Case Study of One College's Design and Implementation Plan. International Journal on E-Learning, 19(2), 125-137. Waynesville, NC USA: Association for the Advancement
Cooper, R., Mrstik, S., Glenn-White, V. (2019). What the tech? 2.0: Continuing to prepare pre-service teachers for the 21st century learners. GATEway, 30(1) 53-59,
Straub, C., Dieker, L., Hynes, M., Hughes, C., Bukaty, C., Bousfield, T., & Mrstik, S. (2019). Using virtual rehearsal in a simulator to impact performance of science Teachers. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 11(4) https
Mrstik, S., Pearl, C., Hopkins, R., Vasquez III, E., & Marino, M. (2019). Combating special educator attrition: Mentor teachers’ perceptions of job satisfaction, resiliency, and retention. Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education, 1-14. ht
Mrstik, S., Vasquez, E. & Pearl C. (2018). The effects of mentor teacher instruction on teaching visual supports to novice secondary teachers in self-contained classes. International Journal of Instruction. 11 (1), 411-424.
Mrstik, S., "An Examination of Inclusive Practices for Junior Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities in Gaborone, Botswana" (2017).Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 5562.