Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Foreign Languages and Literatures, Certification Track (French)
Our aim is to become a top destination for students in the state of Georgia and beyond who are passionate about foreign languages and cultures, and who seek to engage critically with questions of diversity, multiculturalism, and globalization as they manifest themselves in a variety of countries, languages, and cultural artifacts. We endeavor to make contact between and among cultures a daily reality for the general community at the University of West Georgia and to thus enhance multicultural and global awareness and sensitivity.
For more information, please see the Academic Catalog. A program map, which provides a guide for students to plan their course of study, is available for download in the Courses tab below.
The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures educates students to become better global citizens through instruction in foreign language, literature, film and culture. Through this study, students gain further knowledge of their own language and culture and are able to make informed cultural comparisons.
Career Opportunities
Link to Additional Career Information:
External Resource
Program Location
Carrollton Campus
Method of Delivery
Face to Face
The University of West Georgia is accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
Credit and transfer
Total semester hours required:
Save money.
Take a placement exam to ensure you are enrolling in the appropriate level class. Many students are able to surpass entry level classes based on previous study of the language. The credit by examination process allows you complete your Core, minor or major requirements quicker and progress toward graduation.
The bottom line - value.
This program may be earned entirely face-to-face. However, depending on the courses chosen, a student may choose to take some partially or fully online courses.
Save money
UWG is often ranked as one of the most affordable accredited universities of its kind, regardless of the method of delivery chosen.
- Total tuition costs and fees may vary, depending on the instructional method of the courses in which the student chooses to enroll.
- The more courses a student takes in a single term, the more they will typically save in fees and total cost.
- Face-to-face or partially online courses are charged at the general tuition rate and all mandatory campus fees, based on the student's residency (non-residents are charged at a higher rate).
- Fully or entirely online course tuition rates and fees my vary depending on the program. Students enrolled in exclusively online courses do not pay non-Resident rates.
- Together this means that GA residents pay about the same if they take all face-to-face or partially online courses as they do if they take only fully online courses exclusively; while non-residents save money by taking fully online courses.
- One word of caution: If a student takes a combination of face-to-face and online courses in a single term, he/she will pay both all mandatory campus fees and the higher eTuition rate.
- For cost information, as well as payment deadlines, see the Student Accounts and Billing Services website
There are a variety of financial assistance options for students, including scholarships and work study programs. Visit the Office of Financial Aid's website for more information.
Unless students begin the program with a strong background in the target language, they may require five years to complete the major with certification program.
Students majoring in Spanish or French and seeking P-12 certification must take the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (Test 360) and the following courses prior to being admitted to the College of Education.
- EDUC 2110 - Investigating Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education 3 Credit Hours
- EDUC 2120 - Exploring Sociocultural Perspectives on Diversity in Educational Contexts 3 Credit Hours
- EDUC 2130 - Exploring Learning and Teaching 3 Credit Hours
An introduction to the psychological theories and principles applied to the classroom. The course will include aspects of learning, motivation, classroom management, and assessment. Emphasis will be placed on developmentally designed instruction for all students.
This course engages students in observations, interactions and analyses of critical and contemporary educational issues. Students will investigate issues influencing the social and political contexts of educational settings in Georgia and the United States. Student will actively examine the teaching profession from multiple vantage points both within and outside the school. Against this backdrop, students will reflect on and interpret the meaning of education and schooling in a diverse culture and examine the moral and ethical responsibilities of teaching in a democracy. A field component totaling 10 hours is required.
This course is designed to equip future teachers with the fundamental knowledge of understanding culture and teaching children from diverse backgrounds. A field component totaling 10 hours is required.
Future educators will understand how opportunities, access, and engagement intersect tocontribute to P-12 student success. Educators will explore key aspects of learning and teaching, reflect on their own learning processes and those of others, and apply their knowledge to equitably meet diverse learning needs of P-12 students in a variety of educational settings and contexts. A field component totaling 10 hours is required.
This course is designed primarily for future and novice language teachers, introduces students to theories of first and second language development as observed in a minimum of 20 hours of field experience in a P-5 school. It is a requirement for all students completing the P-12 initial certification track in French and Spanish.
A course designed for students to develop skills and strategies in teaching and planning foreign language instruction at the secondary level.
This course consists of teaching in a public school under the supervision of an experienced, qualified classroom teacher. Students whose programs require a 3 hour, 2 semester internship may repeat the course for a total of 6 hours. These students may take the first three hours after completing two FORL courses.
Continued listening, speaking, reading and writing in French with further study of the culture of French-speaking regions. Pre-requisite: FREN 1001 with a grade of C or better or two years high school study.
A continuation of FREN 1002, FREN 2001 provides a solid base of thematic vocabulary and grammar structures together with a varied sampling of literary readings, communicative activities, and cultural information.
Emphasis on applying reading skills to texts in different disciplines, on the continued development of writing and speaking skills, and on the functional use of grammar.
Extensive practice in written and spoken French. Includes grammar review, vocabulary expansion, and composition and conversation practice on contemporary cultural/literary topics. Can be taken three times for credit with different content.
Intensive study of the principles governing the structures of the French language. In this course students will refine and extend their language skills.
An introduction to the cultural diversity of the French speaking world through the study of authentic materials from Europe, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Canada.
A study of the evolution of French couture and civilization from past to present through an exploration of France's major historical, artistic, and social development.
Students will prepare a portfolio in which they will assess their linguistic and cultural knowledge acquired in courses already taken and courses taken during the Capstone semester. At least 51% of this course will be on-line. Portfolios will be prepared electronically and consist of a web page. This format will ensure that the student has the ability to use current technology and be able to utilize a wide range of resources used in the modern workplace, the language classroom, and graduate school. Students will be required to pass an oral proficiency interview.
The second part of an introduction to the German language and culture of the German-speaking world. Completion of the survey of basic German grammar and further development of the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing German. Aspects of everyday life in the German-speaking world will also be introduced. Institutional Option: Work with other media (audio, video, and/or computer) outside of class is required.
Hands-on technology integration techniques are provided, scaffolding from the student's basic computer skills to foster skills in five interrelated areas of instructional proficiency: (1) Georgia's Performance Standards for Curriculum, (2) integration of modern and emerging technologies into instructional practice, (3) classroom management in classrooms, computer labs and 21st century learning environments, (4) new designs for teaching and learning, and (5) enhanced pedagogical practices.
Pre-requisite: Admission to Teacher Education program. Teacher candidates will gain knowledge and skills needed for curricular decision-making to develop standards-based instruction and assessments with a student-centered approach. In addition to managing classroom instruction, candidates will learn strategies for managing student behavior and developing effective classroom procedures and routines that establish a positive learning environment. Must be taken concurrently with SEED 4271L.
Study of characteristics, identification and assessment of exceptional children and youth across age ranges and levels of severity, including individualizing instruction in inclusive classrooms. 'Best' ranges and levels of severity, teaching practices for this population also will be examined. Designed for non-special education majors. Students must earn a grade of "B" or better in SPED 3715 or department approved alternative to meet the special education requirement of Georgia House Bill No. 671 and be recommended for educator certification in Georgia. The grade requirement of "B" or better is effective 07/01/2019 for courses completed on or after that date.
No faculty members listed
Guidelines for Admittance
Each UWG online degree program has specific requirements that you must meet in order to enroll.
- Complete online application. A one-time application fee of $40 is required.
- Official transcripts from all schools attended. Official transcripts are sent from a regionally or nationally accredited institution.
- Verify specific requirements associated with specific populations identified here: Freshman Adult Learners Transfer International Home School Joint / Dual Enrollment Transient Auditor Post-Baccalaureate Non-Degree Seeking Readmission
Program Specific Admittance Guidelines
A certificate in European Union Studies can be earned in one of two ways. Under the academic track, a certificate is taken in tandem with an undergraduate degree program. Students from all academic majors are eligible to participate so long as they possess a minimum 2.75 cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). It should be noted that some institutions permit the certificate to substitute for an academic minor. Under the professional track, non-degree students—such as business executives—are eligible to enroll in the program upon proof of a valid undergraduate degree from an accredited institution on the condition that they fulfill the minimum GPA requirement of 2.75
Application Deadlines
For more information, go to UWG Admission Deadlines
Admission Process Checklist
- Review Admission Requirements for the different programs and guides for specific populations (non-traditional, transfer, transient, home school, joint enrollment students, etc).
- Review important deadlines:
- Fall semester: June 1 (undergrads)
- Spring semester: November 15 (undergrads)
- Summer semester: May 15 (undergrads)
See program specific calendars here
- Complete online application
Undergraduate Admissions Guide
Undergraduate Application
Undergraduate International Application - Submit $40 non-refundable application fee
- Submit official documents
Request all official transcripts and test scores be sent directly to UWG from all colleges or universities attended. If a transcript is mailed to you, it cannot be treated as official if it has been opened. Save time by requesting transcripts be sent electronically.
Undergraduate & Graduate Applicants should send all official transcripts to:
Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Murphy Building
University of West Georgia
1601 Maple Street
Carrollton, GA 30118-4160 - Submit a Certificate of Immunization, if required. If you will not ever be traveling to a UWG campus or site, you may apply for an Immunization Exemption. Contact the Immunization Clerk with your request.
- Check the status of your application
Program Administration and Course Registration:
Dr. Robert Kilpatrick
Interim Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
1601 Maple St.
Carrollton, GA 30118
Phone #: (678) 839-5960
Fax # (678) 839-5931
Specific dates for Admissions (Undergraduate Only), Financial Aid, Fee Payment, Registration, Start/End of Term Dates, Final Exams, etc. are available in THE SCOOP.
Specific Graduate Admissions Deadlines are available via the Graduate School
Objectives not available